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Dexie makes debut at Community Care Seminar


Dexie, Dex-Lab’s first Social Robot, was showcased at the Agency for Integrated Care’s (AIC) Annual Community Care Work Plan Seminar, which was graced by Singapore Health Minister Ong Ye Kung.

Dexie is made possible by the team that worked tirelessly for 2 years that oversaw the Research and Development of the world’s first, one of its kind, social robots that is dedicated for aged and dementia care. Not only is it able to conduct meaning activities such as exercises or games for her clients (residents in nursing home), it can also hold a conversation with clients with her propriety inbuilt DexLOGUE™.

Dexie – The A.I. for Dementia Care

The event saw the announcement by AIC CEO Tan Kwang Cheak for the implementation of the Community Care Digital Transformation Plan, which will not only focus with efforts to attract and retain talent but a goal to help seniors to live well and age gracefully. Technology like the one developed by Dex-Lab, can help save time and money which can also remove repetitive and administrative tasks; which is aligned to MOH Community Care Digital Transformation Plan and possibly receive funding of up to 85% from AIC.

The Aged Care sector is exponentially growing that currently affects over 700 million people worldwide and is expected to double to 1.5 billion people by 2050. In Singapore alone, 17.6% of the population here are aged 65 and above today with the numbers swelling to 900,000 senior citizens by 2030. With an impending tsunami of “Silver Age” across the globe, it is estimated that the market will hit US$4.56 Trillion by 2025, making it one of the fastest growing industries.

AIC was designated the single agency to coordinate the delivery of aged care services, and to enhance service development and capability-building across both the health and social domains. The Pioneer Generation Office was renamed the Silver Generation Office and joined AIC that same year.

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